IT tools - KDPW_CCP

IT tools

KDPW_CCP account operation messages
Message nameMessage descriptionPDFSchemeExample
acmt.rqa.003.01Account instruction
acmt.sta.003.01Account aggregation instruction status (reply to acmt.rqa.003.01)
acmt.rqc.001.03NKK instruction (message used to assign a new NKK or record additional information for the purpose of delegating the reporting of trades to an EMIR or SFTR trade repository) instruction status (reply to acmt.rqc.001.03)
acmt.rqa.002.02Account instruction (message used to open/close a clearing account)
acmt.sta.002.02Account instruction status (reply to acmt.rqa.002.02)
Messages for clearing of transactions in securities and derivatives
Message nameMessage descriptionPDFSchemeExample
acmt.blr.001.02Participant or remote Exchange Member account block message
acmt.bls.001.02Block message acknowledgement (reply to acmt.blr.001.02)
admi.err.001.01Formal error
camt.smt.001.04Cash payment balances (information only for securities transactions as at the trade date)
demt.smc.001.01Cash payment balances - derivatives (CRR/premium)
demt.smd.001.02Delivery and cash settlement information– derivatives (derivatives execution)
demt.smp.001.02Delivery process information for derivatives with delivery of the underlying
semt.rqh.001.01Derivatives balance query
semt.rqs.001.01Derivatives clearing instruction status query
semt.smh.001.01Derivatives holding balances as at end of day or as at a time (reply to semt.rqh.001.01)
semt.smt.002.01Clearing account statement for derivatives
semt.ssf.001.02Securities flow report as at securities trade date
sese.inp.001.01Status change request for index participation units* (instrument suspended by GPW)
sese.ins.001.01Clearing instruction for derivatives
sese.sts.005.01Clearing status message for futures and options
sese.sts.002.02Acceptance for clearing of transactions on the GPW cash market (securities sale and repo) and derivatives market
sese.stt.001.01Technical instruction status (reply to sese.tec.001.02)
sese.tec.001.02Technical instruction (message used to remove BondSpot trades or derivatives instructions)
Risk and collateral management messages
Message nameMessage descriptionPDFSchemeExample
colr.adn.001.01Add-on calculation parameters set by KDPW_CCP
colr.mrs.001.04Transaction limit status (reply to colr.mrl.001.03)
colr.stm.001.02Statement of credits / debits under the derivatives clearing system and risk management system
colr.ins.001.02Posting/Releasing collateral in cash or in securities
colr.mrg.001.04Margin settlement by type of collateral
colr.sgf.001.03Settlement fund update message
colr.sm1.002.03KDPW_CCP collateral report
colr.sts.001.03Posted or released collateral status for cash or securities (reply to colr.ins.001.02)
colr.mrl.001.03Transaction limit status
colr.sts.002.01Client collateral registration status
reda.fin.002.01List of instruments acceptable as collateral
Payment limit messages
Message nameMessage descriptionPDFSchemeExample
colr.mrl.002.02Payment limit status intraday and EOD
colr.mrs.002.02Payment limit status (reply to colr.mrl.002.02)
Messages for trade reporting to an EMIR and SFTR trade repository
Message nameMessage descriptionPDFSchemeExample
secl.str.001.01Transaction report information (message sent in case of an incorrect or inactive LEI)
auth.sts.001.01Client collateral registration status (reply to auth.mrg.001.01)
colr.ins.002.03Client collateral registration
auth.mrg.001.02Client collateral registration
Processing benefits from management of cash posted as collateral
Message nameMessage descriptionPDFSchemeExample
DGR*Revenue earned and quarterly revenue clearing information
* Fixed-field message - made available to CMs by KDPW_CCP using the ESDI electronic communication system
colr.sm2.001.01Benefit amount statement (message sent at the request of the participant after the end of each month)

ISO20022 messages in the Clearing area

The structures of all ISO20022 Clearing messages are available on the MyStandards platform. 
This documentation is intellectual property of SWIFT and has been published on the KDPW website with SWIFT consent. SWIFT © 2010 All rights reserved.

The current version of the documentation is also available at: and

ISO20022 Message Business Application Header

The current version of BAH documentation is available at:

Message nameMessage descriptionExample
Business Application Header head.001.001.01Message header