KDPW_CCP performs the functions of a clearing house based on the central counterparty model. It clears transactions concluded on the regulated market, in OTC trade and alternative trading systems, and it operates a clearing liquidity guarantee system. An important feature of KDPW_CCP is that its own capital can be used in the clearing guarantee system, which improves the safety of clearing and the robust framework for comprehensive management of all material risks to which it is or may be exposed.
In accordance with international standards, KDPW_CCP was spun off KDPW on 1 July 2011, but the Company’s shares have remained 100% held by KDPW. The Company’s shareholders can only be: KDPW S.A., companies operating regulated markets on the territory of the Republic of Poland, the National Bank of Poland (NBP), as well as banks, investment firms and foreign investment firms which are KDPW participants or participants in the clearing system operated by the Company.
KDPW_CCP Spółka Akcyjna (KDPW_CCP S.A.), registered office: Warsaw 00-498, 4 Książęca Street, entered in the Company Register by the Warsaw District Court, 12th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, KRS Register no. 0000357452, VAT no. 701-02-37-032, share and paid-in-capital PLN 190,000,000.

The KDPW Group, which comprises Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. and the clearing house KDPW_CCP S.A., offers a package of modern services to entities operating on the financial market: banks, brokerage houses, investment funds (TFI), pension funds (OFE), issuers of securities, and entrepreneurs.
Over the last few years, in a dynamically changing market and regulatory environment, the KDPW Group has developed a package of complementary services which meet today’s requirements of the most advanced financial hubs, and has obtained the required authorisations. The services offered are based on technological solutions developed mostly by the KDPW Group’s in-house IT experts.