KYC requirements

KDPW_CCP requires the reporting of financial information in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (“CRR”) as well as the technical standards to CRR. Pursuant to § 25 (2) and (3) of the Rules of Transaction Clearing (Organised Trading; “Rules”), KDPW_CCP clearing members which are investment firms are subject to requirements equivalent to those under the CRR, i.e., Regulation (EU) 2019/2033 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on prudential requirements for investment firms and amending Regulations (EU) No 1093/2010, (EU) No 575/2013, (EU) No 600/2014 and (EU) No 806/2014 ( “IFR”), as well as the technical standards to IFR.

Entity established in Poland

Investment firm
The following shall be submitted by an investment firm:

Reports specified in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/2284 of 10 December 2021 (as amended) – where the clearing member is obliged to submit the reports to the competent supervisory authorities:

  • In Annex I: templates 1 (I 01.00), 2,1 (I 02.01) and 2,2 (I 02.02) on an individual and consolidated basis or in Annex III: templates 1 (I 01.01), 2,3 (I 02.03) and 2,4 (I 02.04) on an individual and consolidated basis – quarterly on annually (depending on entity class),
  • In Annex VIII: templates 11,1 (I 11.01), 11,2 (I 11.02) and 11,3 (I 11.03) – quarterly on annually (depending on entity class).
Deadline for submission of the reports to KDPW_CCP: the deadline set in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/2284 of 10 December 2021 (as amended) for submission to the competent supervisory authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, as electronic files in formats readable with commonly available tools or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Reports selected from reports specified in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451 of 17 December 2020 (as amended) – where the clearing member is obliged to submit the reports to the competent supervisory authorities:

  • In Annex I: templates from 1 to 4 on an individual and consolidated basis – quarterly,
  • In Annex III or Annex IV: templates 1.1-1.3, 2, 3 on a consolidated basis – quarterly.
Deadline for submission of the reports to KDPW_CCP:  the deadline set in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451 of 17 December 2020 (as amended) for submission to the competent supervisory authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe as electronic files in formats readable with commonly available tools or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Monthly financial reports

prepared in accordance with the relevant regulations issued under the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, specifying the scope, mode, form and deadlines for the submission of information on the activities and financial condition by investment firms, banks referred to in Article 70(2) of the Act, and custodian banks - a monthly report referred to in § 139 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 22 February 2019 on the scope, mode, form and deadlines for the submission of information to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority by investment firms, banks referred to in Article 70(2) of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, and custodian banks.

Deadline for submission of monthly financial reports to KDPW_CCP:  the deadlines set in those provisions for the submission of such information to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Quarterly information

on selected consolidated financial data referred to in § 139 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 22 February 2019 on the scope, mode, form and deadlines for the submission of information to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority by investment firms, banks referred to in Article 70(2) of the Act on Trading in Financial Instruments, and custodian banks – where the clearing member is obliged to submit the information to the competent supervisory authorities.

Deadline for submission of monthly information on selected consolidated financial data to KDPW_CCP: the deadlines set in those provisions for the submission of such information to the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Audited annual financial statements together with the audit report prepared by the audit company - separate and consolidated.

Time limit for reporting the financial statements and the audit report to KDPW_CCP: 15 days after the audit is completed by the audit company. If annual financial statements are not required to be audited – within 15 days of the acceptance or approval of the financial statements by the competent authority.

Reporting format: through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP – original counterpart or copy authenticated as a true copy by the entity’s duly authorised representatives.

Information on exceeded prudential limits.

Time limit for reporting exceeded limits to KDPW_CCP:: within 2 days, including the reasons for and the measures taken to eliminate the situation.
Reporting format: as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP, and in addition to be reported through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe.
The following shall be submitted:

Selected reports defined in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451 of 17 December 2021 (as amended)

  • In Annex I templates from 1 to 4 separate and consolidated - quarterly,
  • In Annex III or in Annex IV templates 1.1-1.3, 2, 3 consolidated - quarterly.
Time limit for reporting to KDPW_CCP: the time limit under Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 of 16 April 2014 (as amended) for reporting to the competent supervisory authority.

Reporting format: through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, as electronic files saved in a format readable using generally available tools, or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Note: KDPW_CCP does not process files with data saved in XBRL format.

Reports in the format of tables under the NBP taxonomy will be accepted.

Financial information

defined in a Resolution of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland issued under the Act on the National Bank of Poland, which lays down the mode and detailed terms of reporting by banks of data necessary to assess their financial position and the stability and risks of the banking system, to the extent of information used to assess the financial position and capital adequacy of banks – F 02.00 form the reporting package FINREP Separate.

Time limit for reporting financial information to KDPW_CCP: the time limit under a Resolution of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland issued under the Act on the National Bank of Poland for reporting of such information to the National Bank of Poland.

Reporting format: through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Audited annual financial statements together with the audit report prepared by the audit company - separate and consolidated.

Time limit for reporting the financial statements and the audit report to KDPW_CCP: 15 days after the audit is completed by the audit company. If annual financial statements are not required to be audited – within 15 days of the acceptance or approval of the financial statements by the competent authority.

Reporting format: through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP – original counterpart or copy authenticated as a true copy by the entity’s duly authorised representatives.

Information on exceeded prudential limits.

Time limit for reporting exceeded limits to KDPW_CCP: within 2 days, including the reasons for and the measures taken to eliminate the situation.

Reporting format: as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP, and in addition to be reported through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe.

Entity established outside Poland (if not required to be established, with the head office outside Poland)

Entity operating through a branch
The following shall be submitted by an entity established outside Poland operating through a branch:

Reports specified in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/2284 of 10 December 2021 (as amended) – where the clearing member is obliged to submit the reports to the competent supervisory authorities:

  • In Annex I: templates 1 (I 01.00), 2,1 (I 02.01) and 2,2 (I 02.02) on an individual and consolidated basis or in Annex III: templates 1 (I 01.01), 2,3 (I 02.03) and 2,4 (I 02.04) on an individual and consolidated basis – quarterly on annually (depending on entity class),
  • In Annex VIII: templates 11,1 (I 11.01), 11,2 (I 11.02) and 11,3 (I 11.03) – quarterly on annually (depending on entity class).
Deadline for submission of the reports to KDPW_CCP:  the deadline set in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/2284 of 10 December 2021 (as amended) for submission to the competent supervisory authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, as electronic files in formats readable with commonly available tools or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Reports selected from reports specified in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451 of 17 December 2020 (as amended):

  • In Annex I: templates from 1 to 4 on an individual and consolidated basis – quarterly,
  • In Annex III or Annex IV: templates 1.1-1.3, 2, 3 on a consolidated basis – quarterly.
Deadline for submission of the reports to KDPW_CCP:  the deadline set in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451 of 17 December 2020 (as amended) for submission to the competent supervisory authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, as electronic files in formats readable with commonly available tools or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Note: KDPW_CCP does not support XBRL data files.

If an entity which has established a branch in Poland is fully or partially exempt from the obligation to submit such reports to the competent supervisory authority, KDPW_CCP expects that:
  • that fact will be properly documented in writing;
  • the entity which consolidated the entity which has established the branch will submit such reports.

Financial information including profit and loss account on a consolidated basis

prepared and submitted to the competent supervisory authorities, unless the entity is obliged to submit such reports as defined in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451 of 17 December 2020 laying down implementing technical standards for the application of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions and repealing Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 - where the entity is obliged to submit the reports to the competent supervisory authorities.

Deadline for submission of financial information to KDPW_CCP: the deadlines set in those provisions for the submission of such information to the competent supervisory authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Audited annual financial statements together with the audit report prepared by the audit company - separate and consolidated.

Time limit for reporting the financial statements and the audit report to KDPW_CCP: 15 days after the audit is completed by the audit company. If annual financial statements are not required to be audited – within 15 days of the acceptance or approval of the financial statements by the competent authority.

Reporting format: through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP – original counterpart or copy authenticated as a true copy by the entity’s duly authorised representatives.
IV. Information on exceeded prudential limits.

Time limit for reporting exceeded limits to KDPW_CCP:: within 2 days, including the reasons for and the measures taken to eliminate the situation.

Reporting format: as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP, and in addition to be reported through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe.
Data required from a branch

Financial information 

defined in a Resolution of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland issued under the Act on the National Bank of Poland, which lays down the mode and detailed terms of reporting by banks of data necessary to assess their financial position and the stability and risks of the banking system, to the extent of information used to assess the financial position and capital adequacy of banks –  F 02.00 form the reporting package FINREP Separate (if required to be prepared by the branch).

Time limit for reporting financial information to KDPW_CCP: the time limit under a Resolution of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland issued under the Act on the National Bank of Poland for reporting of such information to the National Bank of Poland.

Reporting format: through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Audited annual financial statements together with the audit report prepared by the audit company

Time limit for reporting the financial statements and the audit report to KDPW_CCP: 15 days after the audit is completed by the audit company. If annual financial statements are not required to be audited – within 15 days of the acceptance or approval of the financial statements by the competent authority.

Reporting format: through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP – original counterpart or copy authenticated as a true copy by the entity’s duly authorised representatives.
Entity operating otherwise than through a branch
The following shall be submitted by an entity established outside Poland operating otherwise than through a branch:

Reports specified in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/2284 of 10 December 2021 (as amended) – where the clearing member is obliged to submit the reports to the competent supervisory authorities:

  • In Annex I: templates 1 (I 01.00), 2,1 (I 02.01) and 2,2 (I 02.02) on an individual and consolidated basis or in Annex III: templates 1 (I 01.01), 2,3 (I 02.03) and 2,4 (I 02.04) on an individual and consolidated basis – quarterly on annually (depending on entity class),
  • In Annex VIII: templates 11,1 (I 11.01), 11,2 (I 11.02) and 11,3 (I 11.03) – quarterly on annually (depending on entity class).
Deadline for submission of the reports to KDPW_CCP:  the deadline set in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/2284 of 10 December 2021 (as amended) for submission to the competent supervisory authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, as electronic files in formats readable with commonly available tools or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Reports selected from reports specified in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451 of 17 December 2020 (as amended):

  • In Annex I: templates from 1 to 4 on an individual and consolidated basis – quarterly,
  • In Annex III or Annex IV: templates 1.1-1.3, 2, 3 on a consolidated basis – quarterly.
Deadline for submission of the reports to KDPW_CCP:  the deadline set in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451 of 17 December 2020 (as amended) for submission to the competent supervisory authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe, as electronic files in formats readable with commonly available tools or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Note: KDPW_CCP does not support XBRL data files.

Financial information including profit and loss account on a consolidated basis

prepared and submitted to the competent supervisory authorities, unless the entity is obliged to submit such reports as defined in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2021/451 of 17 December 2020 laying down implementing technical standards for the application of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to supervisory reporting of institutions and repealing Implementing Regulation (EU) No 680/2014 - where the entity is obliged to submit the reports to the competent supervisory authorities.

Deadline for submission of financial information to KDPW_CCP: the deadlines set in those provisions for the submission of such information to the competent supervisory authority.

Form of submission: via ESDI to: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP.

Audited annual financial statements together with the audit report prepared by the audit company - separate and consolidated.

Time limit for reporting the financial statements and the audit report to KDPW_CCP: 15 days after the audit is completed by the audit company. If annual financial statements are not required to be audited – within 15 days of the acceptance or approval of the financial statements by the competent authority.

Reporting format: through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe or as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP – original counterpart or copy authenticated as a true copy by the entity’s duly authorised representatives.

Information on exceeded prudential limits.

Time limit for reporting exceeded limits to KDPW_CCP:: within 2 days, including the reasons for and the measures taken to eliminate the situation.

Reporting format: as a paper document to the address of KDPW_CCP, and in addition to be reported through ESDI mail to the box: 0001011PRD, KDPW_CCP - Raporty finansowe.

Documents which are not drawn up in the original counterpart in Polish or in English, under the legislation applicable to the member, should be provided in translation into Polish or into English. The translation should be authenticated as a true translation of the original counterpart by the member’s duly authorised representatives.

Valid resolutions:

Methods of sending to KDPW_CCP financial information and information of exposures to other CCPs:

  • via SWI;
  • by email ( from the email address previously provided in the list of contact persons for KDPW_CCP.

Documents sent to KDPW_CCP via SWI or email over the internet should be encrypted using a method approved by KDPW_CCP (Methods of confidential exchange and processing of electronic documents) if the transmitted information includes inside information within the meaning of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 on the market abuse, it should be marked as “inside information” and additionally encrypted.