A state-of-the-art clearing house which clears transactions using a range of mechanisms that systemically mitigate the risk of default of the parties to the transactions.

It forms a capital group with Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A.


Transactions in organised trading
(data for 2024)

number of transactions cleared by KDPW_CCP - KDPW_CCP
cash market
number of transactions cleared by KDPW_CCP
value of transactions cleared by KDPW_CCP - KDPW_CCP
cash market
PLN 861 billion
value of transactions cleared by KDPW_CCP
number of transactions cleared by KDPW_CCP - KDPW_CCP
derivatives market
number of transactions cleared by KDPW_CCP
value of transactions cleared by KDPW_CCP - KDPW_CCP
derivatives market
PLN 411 billion
value of transactions cleared by KDPW_CCP

OTC transactions
(data for 2024)

value of transactions in EUR cleared by KDPW_CCP - KDPW_CCP
EUR 29 million
value of transactions in EUR cleared by KDPW_CCP
value of transactions in PLN cleared by KDPW_CCP - KDPW_CCP
PLN 304 billion
value of transactions in PLN cleared by KDPW_CCP

Management Board

Supervisory Board


Tomasz Bardziłowski

Warsaw Stock Exchange

Vice Chairman:

Jacek Fotek

Supervisory Board Members:

Paweł Kołkiewicz

Independent member, The Royal Bank of Scotland

Mirosław Panek

Independent member

Paweł Sobolewski

National Bank of Poland

Renata Wojciechowska

Independent member, Szkoła Główna Handlowa

Capital structure

KDPW_CCP is a company 100% owned by Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A.

All shares in the share capital of the Company are registered shares and may not be privileged or encumbered with any additional obligations towards the Company. The Company’s shareholders may only include Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A., companies operating regulated markets in the territory of the Republic of Poland, the National Bank of Poland (NBP), as well as the following KDPW participants or participants in the clearing system operated by the Company:

  • banks,
  • investment firms,
  • foreign investment firms.

Any sale of shares or the establishment of a pledge or right of use on the shares requires the unanimous consent of the shareholders of Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A.

The Company’s share capital amounts to PLN 190,000,000 and is divided into: 60,000 series A shares numbered from 00001 to 60000 with a nominal value of PLN 1,000 per share; 40,000 series B shares numbered from 60001 to 100000 with a nominal value of PLN 1,000 per share; 90,000 series C shares numbered from 100001 to 190000 with a nominal value of PLN 1,000 per share.

Risk Committee - KDPW_CCP

Risk Committee

It serves in an advisory and consultative function to the Company on any matters which may affect risk management, in particular a significant change to the risk model, the procedure in the event of a clearing member default, criteria for becoming a clearing member, clearing of new classes of derivatives, and outsourcing.


Structure of positions
and organisational units,
division of powers
and responsibilities.