Test environment - KDPW_CCP

Test environment

Testing interconnectivity with kdpw_stream

Before joining kdpw_stream, we encourage you to check the configuration of your IT solutions in the test environment provided for this purpose.

How to access the test environment?

Send a request to the e-mail address at_test@kdpw.pl

A message will be sent to the sender’s address with a notification that the tests are ready and with any other information necessary to start the tests.

Tests may be performed during the kdpw_stream clearing day.

It is also possible to use the recommended set of tests.

Participants may request testing on KDPW_CCP public holidays for an additional fee.


  • fed with production data;
  • the databases are copied from the production environment (PRD) to the TST A environment once a month, as at the last working day of the month;
Transactions: production trades are copied only on the migration date; on subsequent days, trades come from the test environments of the trading platforms (GPW, BondSpot or Markit Wire);
User database: production clearing members;
Account database: clearing accounts and collateral accounts copied from the production system;
Collateral: production collateral value;


Transactions: trades come from the test environments of the trading platforms (GPW, BondSpot or Markit Wire);
User database: production and test clearing members;
Account database: clearing accounts and collateral accounts independent of the TSTA environment;
Collateral: clearing accounts and collateral accounts independent of the TSTA environment;

The TSTB test environment is dedicated for internal testing of new functionalities by KDPW_CCP with open access for developers and clearing members.